A Berlin Update from Mindy Peters


Jeff Wallace sat down with Mindy Peters, a dear friend of the Arabian Horse and Arabian Horse World. As we all know, her dynamic stallion, Berlin MP, is on a world tour these days, and we wanted to share his current journey.


Describe your passion and joy for “Everything Berlin.”


Sandro Pinha of Arabians International said it best when he texted me one day and said, “Berlin is a gift from God.” That is my feeling about Berlin and how I cherish him. I really don’t need to say more but I am so grateful to have the responsibility of caring for such an incredible creature. I love him beyond words. He is incredibly unique and has been raised in a very loving & nurturing environment.  


World-renowned breeder Steve Patrick said, “Good horses are born, great horses are made.” This is all in our hands, and it’s essential, especially with a stallion because the time, effort and thought we put into owning these horses can truly elevate them. Some people may not agree with this philosophy, but it is really about a deep soul connection.


Sometimes it only takes one person to believe in someone to foster their greatness, and I believe that this is also true with these amazing creatures that we love and raise. it’s a huge responsibility to show and nurture them with grace and love. It elevates them to their best.


Berlin is always on my mind. I believe he is here for a very special purpose. He is a messenger and I will help him deliver that message.


What life experiences qualify you to go on this “world tour” with Berlin?


My life has been pretty colorful. I’ve had the opportunity to be in very interesting circumstances through business and travel. From growing up on an Iowa farm to working on several major feature films to real estate development and sales, to the adventurous lifestyle and travels of the Arabian horse industry. This history of my life has been highlighted by meeting some of the most dynamic human beings and colorful characters in the world, some of whom were horses.


I know there are endless possibilities for Berlin. We are exploring new ideas continuously for him and his future. In my opinion, outside of the traditional show ring experience, which Berlin has already experienced great success, there are many other experiences that have been completely untapped for a figure like him.


Berlin is the horse to cross the bridge into many different avenues. I intend to open every gate for him.


Give us ten words or less that describe Berlin.


Peace, Power, Beauty, Fun, Love, Presence, Blessing, Unicorn, Character, Unity.  


If someone doesn’t feel the elevated essence and feel better around Berlin, they are a bit disconnected from their own greatness. He brings out the best in people, and they bring out the best in him. He’s a real character and loves human interaction.


Tell us about the current phase for Berlin and the next one to come.


Currently, Berlin is “cooling his heels” in Belgium, basically, he is summering in Europe… Lucky Boy! He is here and available to meet everyone who would like to meet him and feel the “Berlin Experience. Berlin has already enchanted many hearts here at Schoukens Training Center. He will be presented on the evening of the STC Auction.


After that there are plans in the making for him to travel to Qatar.  There may be a special appearance scheduled for him at an event there as well, stay tuned.


Beyond the Middle Eastern experience, we have offers coming in for special appearances and such from around the globe. The most recent offers were for him to be a special guest at a horse expo in Canada and a special appearance in Asia.


Another piece of Berlin’s next steps will be to meet Santi Serra, known as the “horse whisperer.” We plan to incorporate Santi into Berlin’s future in a new and exciting way. Because we believe beyond Berlin’s beauty we know he is capable of extraordinary things.


How did Berlin get his name?


When Berlin was born, my heart was broken, and I was not sure how to go forward. The day he was born, I looked in his stall and he in a very regal and calm manner turned and looked right at me. Somehow the little creature gave me such a gift of energy and calm.  


Berlin was named after the German city, a city that represented the source of my broken heart and he represented a new beginning. I can honestly say I leaned into this horse and he healed me in the most crazy and extraordinary way.


Just as we think about what the Berlin Wall symbolized and so has Berlin torn down walls and helped to represent something new and better.


What have you seen change about yourself since Berlin showed you he would be one of the influential stallions of the breed? Has your outlook changed on the Arabian world?


I’ve grown so much. I see myself differently. Berlin has ushered me into my power as a woman. I do see him as one of the very special stallions that will leave an undeniable mark on the Arabian horse industry. However, I also see him as so much more. His future is still unfolding as he is quite young. His foals have been extraordinary. Berlin will touch lives around the world, I have no doubt! I do believe that this will go outside of our Arabian community; we have plans for all things Berlin that will be extraordinary. His future is definitely something to watch. 


When will Berlin be shown?


Berlin will let us know when he wants to show again. Although I don’t feel it’s totally necessary as he’s already proven himself in the show ring. His foals are next on deck, and we are super excited to watch them follow in Berlin’s footsteps. Berlin loves to show off in the ring, and I have no doubt you will see him again soon.


Tell us a few famous mares Berlin will meet in Qatar during this phase of his life.


I know there are some extraordinary mares lined up for Berlin. One of them is the gorgeous Multi-National Champion black mare RH Triana, sired by ROL Intencyty out of Sylviah WLF.


How has Berlin adjusted to life in Belgium?


Berlin is a truly easygoing guy.  He is super inquisitive, bold, and kind. He has adjusted very easily in Belgium. I knew from a long time ago that Tom and Glenn Schoukens were a perfect match for Berlin. They love him as I do. He has a large stall where he can see other horses all around him. He gets turned outside and conditioned, he is extremely happy.


Berlin really has a team behind him including Sandro Pinha and his staff in the States, the Schoukens in Europe, and his groom in Belgium, Narcis, who really loves him.


When do you expect him to return home to the States? 


I believe Berlin will be back in the States in June 2024.


Lastly, what is your favorite Arabian horse destination and why?


My favorite horse destination? Wow, I don’t think I have seen all that I want to see yet. If I had to mention two very special ones, I would say the Katara show in Doha was truly magnificent, the absolute attention to detail and showcasing the horses in the most extraordinary way.  In terms of heaven on earth, Johanna Ulstroms farm in France.
