The young homebred stallion Sentebale SA (Bellagio RCA x Kareena RCA by Thee Desperado).
2018 black/bay straight Egyptian stallion. Genetically he is EE Aa which means he cannot sire chestnut. Frozen semen available worldwide.
Sentebale SA Show Record
• 2021 Scottsdale International Straight Egyptian Top 3 Jr. Stallion
• 2020 Scottsdale International Straight Egyptian Reserve Champion Colt
• 2019 Egyptian Event Unanimous Straight Egyptian Jr. Champion Colt
• 2019 Egyptian Event Unanimous Most Classic Head
• 2019 Egyptian Event Yearling Futurity Champion SE Colt
(all shown by Lucho Guimaraes)
“I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus when he was born!”

Sharon with Nadia SA (Audacious PS x WC Brittany Bay) on left and AA Melina (Thee Ice Man x SML Saraalyn by Ali Valentino) on right.

TU Kavalier (Kasee x Bay-Tu) and Audrey Redman. “He was our beginner show horse at age 16 after our trainer found him out in a pasture being neglected,” says Sharon. “We bought him and he took care of us as we learned; he had an amazing jog! He lived the rest of his days with us and was quite the ambassador for the breed.”

“Bey El Marwan ATL (*Marwan Al Shaqab x RD Celebrashahn) is a beautiful and talented Marwan son that has turned out to be the perfect kid’s horse. The pinnacle of Audrey’s success with Beemer was winning both the JTR and JOTR Western Pleasure 13 and under at Region 9, and then going on to Youth Nationals the same year and placing in the Top Five (third), in JOTR Western Pleasure 13 and under.
“I also rode Beemer in Hunter Pleasure and was Top 3 at Region 9 in AAOTR 40 and Over. Beemer is now taking care of young riders in Jill Scottston’s program.”

Bey El Marwan ATL (*Marwan Al Shaqab x RD Celebrashahn) and Sharon.

“Final One CRF ‘Finn’ (Brass x Endless Love) was a seasoned show horse in country English pleasure when we purchased him. Although we did not have him for long, he was influential as he was such a sweet horse and Audrey and I both learned how to ride saddle seat with him. Audrey and Finn both loved the costume class, and had a Region 9 Reserve Championship in Native Costume ATR.”

Baja Baloo Moon (GDE Tsyndari x Baloo Elegans) has some athletic older Egyptian blood in his pedigree. He is 16.2 hands and a forward mover. He is a Regional Champion Gelding and U.S. National Top Ten.
“We kept him for our personal riding horse as he is extremely well-trained under saddle and he never really liked the showring. He loves trail, jumping downed trees in the pasture, occasionally moving a cow for us, and generally being a pet!”
“The Arabian horse is the ballet dancer of the horse world. The epitome of grace and athleticism, telling a story with their every move.”

“SA Minuet In Black (Bellagio RCA x Miz Magnolia V by Hucks Connection V) was an exciting breeding with a great result. ‘Minnie’ is an Egyptian-sired homozygous black with no white skin. Her dam is from the English side of the Varian breeding program, and Minnie sure got the trot!
“She won a top five in halter at Region 9 with me showing her, and was Champion Egyptian-sired Two-year-old Futurity Filly plus Reserve Champion Egyptian-sired Female at the Egyptian Event.
“She was sold and her new owners intend to breed for black foals and eventually ride her.”

“SA Jabari (*Mishaal HP x Kareena RCA by Thee Desperado) is a big handsome and sweet gelding with a mile-eating trot. His family is very competitive in endurance, and generally spends time being outside with family, friends and horses. Jabari is a lucky guy!”

“Nadia SA (Audacious PS x WC Brittany Bay by Renaissanse) is a homebred mare who was shown on a limited basis with halter wins at the class A level and a Top Five at the Arabian Breeders World Cup. She was trained under saddle, but ultimately I wanted to breed her. She has produced three beautiful foals, one of which was lost to a training injury.”
“We need to continue to do our best to bring the kids into the Arabian horse community.”

“Najah SA (by Kanz Albidayer) is a big, handsome grey 2018 gelding. As a yearling he was Scottsdale Top Ten in the open colt class with Greg Knowles, as a two year old he was unanimous midsummer Nationals Champion Two-year-old Gelding with Lucho Guimaraes, and as a three year old, he was with Lucho again in a very nice gelding futurity class at U.S. Nationals, where he was Top Ten. He is now under saddle and available for sale.”
Najah SA (by Kanz Albidayer)
By Denise Hearst
Sharmel Arabians began as a notion of the kind of life that a mother could share with her daughter, and along the way, it turned into much more.
Sharon Redman graduated from vet school in 1985 and worked as a small animal veterinarian for a few years. In 1997, after a divorce, Sharon decided that that she wanted to be a mother, so she adopted her daughter, Audrey, when she was one day old. That was the impetus for Sharon to transition into the pharmaceutical and regulatory aspect of veterinary medicine. “I took a job with Novartis in North Carolina, and then later, we moved to Indiana for some years with Eli Lily,” says Sharon. “It was a phenomenal opportunity, one that made the life that I have with Arabians today, possible.”
Sharon and her husband, Craig Parks, live on a ranch in Weatherford, Texas, where she cares for her 10 Arabians, including the young Egyptian stallion Sentebale SA (Bellagio RCA x Kareena RCA by Thee Desperado), a multi-champion at the Egyptian Event who is now in performance training.
What was your introduction to Arabian horses?
I honestly don’t remember the first time I saw an Arabian in person. I looked at a lot of pictures of them as a child and thought they were so beautiful. In veterinary school we’d see the occasional Arabian in the clinic. My first real interaction with them was through my daughter, Audrey. When at our family ranch in Oklahoma, she always wanted to touch the horses, and as early as three years old she was trying to get out of my arms and onto a horse. I firmly believe that horses and little girls are good for each other, and I was happy to encourage her in that direction. I told her she could start taking lessons when she was five. We lived in North Carolina at the time, and I was able to find a young woman who taught lessons on Arabian horses. So Audrey started lessons, and after watching her ride for a few months, I wondered why I was just watching! I grew up riding the ranch horses but had never had a formal lesson. So I started too, with my first real lesson at 43 years young! I loved it, and the adventure began.
How did you know that the Arabian horse belonged in your life?
In my professional life I got an offer I couldn’t refuse from the animal health division of Eli Lilly, so Audrey and I relocated to Indiana. That transition gave me the opportunity to get a property where we could have horses. It was only a couple of years before a sweet grey gelding, Tu Kavalier (Kasee x Bay-Tu), came into our lives. Audrey and I both learned to show on “Kavi.” He took care of her and at the same time made her an honest rider. Their relationship and trust grew to the point where she could ride him without a saddle or bridle, and her skills developed as she became a very good rider. And an added benefit was that the Arabian horse community helped me raise my daughter.
Why did you decide to focus on the Egyptian Arabian?
As Audrey and I graduated from the “fun shows” to class A shows, I needed my own horse. I purchased Baloo Elegans, an MFA Hullabaloo daughter out of an Egyptian-related mare that was an Ansata El Sherif daughter. Plus she was in foal at the time, and the sire also had significant Egyptian blood. I was curious about the Egyptian influence and started researching the Egyptian Arabian. I was hooked by the history of these amazing horses! Next thing I knew I had rescued an Egyptian Arabian mare, and I was thinking about expanding from just showing performance horses to breeding. I had previously bred and shown Shetland Sheepdogs, so it wasn’t a huge leap. Fast forward a few years and Audrey and I moved to north Texas and things took off. While I did not want to focus solely on the Egyptian Arabian, I did remain deeply interested. I visited Arabians Ltd. in Waco, Texas, and it wasn’t long before I was the proud owner of a weanling Thee Desperado daughter named Kareena RCA. She became the foundation mare for my Egyptian program and a mare that is very close to my heart.
Describe the one horse you’ve bred or own who has come closest to your ideal of the Arabian horse.
In 2018 I was blessed with two colts. The non-straight colt was by Kanz Albidayer out of my homebred Audacious PS daughter, Nadia SA. He was beautiful, and it was apparent that he would be a very nice horse, and has lived up to that expectation.
The other colt was a straight Egyptian by Bellagio RCA out of Kareena RCA. I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus when he was born! I knew that he would be special, and he has certainly proven that both in and out of the show ring. I named him Sentebale SA, a name that I had been saving for just the right baby. It means Forget Me Not, and is also the name of a children’s charity. I knew this colt would be “unforgettable,” as he is beautiful, balanced, athletic and intelligent. He has received compliments from both halter and performance individuals. Sentebale has been very successful in the halter ring, and is now in training under saddle with Wendye Gardiner and doing well. He is the happiest boy ever, and loves to work. They have to be able to do something. They have to have a job. The horses that don’t often end up in terrible spots in life.
What is the Arabian’s role in your daily life today?
In the daily time/work sense, I am personally caring for 10 horses at my home ranch, so that occupies a significant part of my day. I raise my own babies, and handle them as much as possible to ensure that they will be good citizens when they head to the trainer or their new home. I currently have two horses in training. I stay involved in the training aspect as much as possible with visits to the facilities. As a breeder I feel a huge responsibility for the horses that I have brought into this world. Since we can’t keep them all, that means a lot of thought, time, and money goes into getting each horse into a situation where they can thrive.
I am in the process of downsizing my numbers so I can become involved in other aspects of promoting the Arabian horse. For instance I am promoting Sentebale as a breeding stallion, not only domestically, but also internationally, having met all the requirements to do so, and with a good supply of frozen semen available. I envision Sentebale becoming an ambassador of the breed and I will be working towards maximizing his potential. I don’t need to keep making foals. I can stay involved in the Arabian horse world in so many different ways.
In what ways have Arabian horses enhanced your life?
The Arabian horse is the ballet dancer of the horse world. The epitome of grace and athleticism, telling a story with their every move. They have always captivated me, and have brought a special beauty into my life. I still stop and watch when they are playing in the pasture, amazed at such beauty, power, and personality! In addition, the Arabian horse has taken me places I might never have been, introduced me to so many interesting people, and brought some very good friends into my life.
What would you say to someone who is contemplating purchasing an Arabian?
First, I would tell them they are the best horses ever! If the person is not a horse owner or someone with experience with horses, I advise them to start slowly, find a way to spend time around them and learn about the extent of the responsibly and commitment. Then the advice is tailored to what kind of situation the potential owner is looking to achieve. For example, if it is a horse that will not live with them, they need to get helpful information about working with a trainer. And they must know their financial limitations. You’ve got to be sensible about it. Too many people have invested beyond their means for the horses.
What is the most meaningful moment or experience you have had with an Arabian horse?
When Sentebale was a yearling and I wanted to have him shown at the 2019 Egyptian Event, I had to make a lot of decisions about how best to achieve that goal. Since one of the major factors in a young horse’s show experience is the stress of travel, I prioritized having him in a good situation as close to Lexington, Kentucky, as possible. That was easy, as my good friends Quentin Naylor and the late Mark Wharton of Peregrine Arabians were in Lexington, and thankfully, they agreed to condition him for the show. Next, we needed to find a GREAT handler, as I had high hopes for my young boy.
Mark recommended Lucho Guimaraes, and thankfully, he agreed to come. I will never forget the moment Lucho and Sentebale first met. I picked Lucho up at the airport and we went to the farm. Mark was waiting under a big beautiful tree with Sentebale, and handed the lead to Lucho. They seemed to bond instantly, with Sentebale moving in a slow suspended trot around Lucho. They were a great team, with a Championship in the Straight Egyptian Yearling Futurity, and winning unanimous Champion Straight Egyptian Junior Colt and Junior Colt Most Classic Head. I am forever grateful to Lucho, Quentin and Mark for that amazing experience.
I also owe a debt of gratitude to the horse community itself. As a single mom with a demanding career and no family near me, my friends in the horse community were important participants in raising my daughter. The things she learned, the examples she saw, both good and some not so good, and the friends she made, taught her far more than just how to ride a horse. We need to continue to do our best to bring the kids into the Arabian horse community. My sincere thanks to three special horsewomen who influenced Audrey over the years: Amy Shilkett, Kat Stevens, and Carolyn McDonald. Thank you all so much.

“SA Loraleii (Adoniis x Baloo Elegans x MFA Hullabaloo), is my first homebred. A flashy chestnut, she had class A wins and a top three in Region 9 halter classes. She has been owned for many years by Karen Fischer. She has been regularly shown and won championships in sport horse in-hand, plus top scores/placings in dressage and competitive trail. She and her owner also enjoy trail riding.”

“SA Minuet In Black (Bellagio RCA x Miz Magnolia V by Hucks Connection V) was an exciting breeding with a great result. ‘Minnie’ is an Egyptian-sired homozygous black with no white skin. Her dam is from the English side of the Varian breeding program, and Minnie sure got the trot!
“She won a top five in halter at Region 9 with me showing her, and was Champion Egyptian-sired Two-year-old Futurity Filly plus Reserve Champion Egyptian-sired Female at the Egyptian Event.
“She was sold and her new owners intend to breed for black foals and eventually ride her.”

“SA Romeo Bay (WC Ali Gazal x WC Brittany Bay) is a handsome 16h gelding. He did well in halter classes as a young colt with several firsts. He was put under saddle and won a Top Ten in the Scottsdale Western Pleasure Maturity with Bill Melendez.
“He has been at Carolyn McDonald’s barn and is proudly and lovingly owned by Danelle and Devin Galloway. He is regularly shown and has earned many championships and reserve championships, the latest being a reserve championship at Youth and Midsummer Nationals in Ladies Sidesaddle JTR.”

“Kareena RCA (Thee Desperado x Kareeka RCA by Alixir) was the foundation mare of my straight Egyptian program. She was the Champion World Class Filly at the 2012 Egyptian Event.”

“Kareena Kamala SA (Kamal Ibn Adeed x Kareena RCA by Thee Desperado) is a special upright bay filly with a floating trot. Kareena Kamala was a Reserve Champion Yearling Futurity Filly at the Egyptian Event and followed up with a Top Five at Scottsdale. She is now a foundation mare for her owner, Al Ghanayim Stud in Kuwait.”
“I raise my own babies, and handle them as much as possible to ensure that they will be good citizens.”