By Ally Nelson
As featured in the Spring 2024 issue of Arabian Horse World
From birth, Katie Steiner has been deeply associated with the Arabian horse. The daughter of Tony and Cindy Steiner, her family owns and runs Steiner Arabians International in Collinsville, Texas.
Katie is a true gem to the Arabian horse community, bringing in her youth and enthusiasm for the future of our breed. Katie is following in her father’s footsteps as a trainer, with her focus more on the performance side of the industry.
When asked what characteristic about the Arabian horse she cherishes most, she replied, “Their desire for a bond and relationship with humans. If you spend the time to build a connection with an Arabian, they will try their hardest to do what you ask of them.” This is a clear focus of Katie’s training methods; she puts in the hard work and time necessary to bond with each individual.

Katie with dad, Tony Steiner, and Mystic Legend PF.
When asked which horse she feels she has the closest bond to, Katie quickly responded, “Klarion DF, a chestnut stallion and grandson to the great Khadraj NA.” Klarion was bred by Carol Young and is owned by Katie; he has competed in halter and sport horse in hand, including a few regional championships with Katie in the lead in 2020 and 2021. “He always greets me with a nicker as I enter the barn. However, my most meaningful moments with him are meeting him out in the field; when he sees me coming he runs over with his tail flagging high. We then walk about the pasture together, exploring and enjoying each other’s company.” Klarion was shown by Tony Steiner to a Top Ten in Sr. Stallions at the 2018 US Nationals. Katie remarks, “Watching him enter the Ford Truck Arena that night will forever be my greatest moment with Klarion.”
Katie is a very well-rounded show woman. She has competed in Halter, Dressage/Western Dressage, Hunter Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Trail, and Ranch Riding, to name a few. Katie comments, “It’s an electric feeling to trot into the halter arena with a beautiful Arabian, tail over their back as they snort and blow,” and in the same conversation she, mentions “the peacefulness of going through a dressage test where horse and rider and in sync through an entire test” is equally as thrilling. This up-and-coming trainer brings great versatility to the training center. Her well rounded horsemanship is rare and sure to lead Steiner Arabians International’s clients to success. Understanding each horse’s talents and ensuring she places them on the proper road to show ring success will continue to be at the forefront of her training style.

Katie with Bacchus AP in Ranch Riding.

Katie with Bacchus AP in Dressage.
Recently, she attended a show in Belton, Texas, and among her show string was Bacchus AP, a grey straight Egyptian gelding that she has been working closely with. Bacchus is sired by LF Al Saher, and out of the Mishaal HP daughter Bassira, he was born in 2015. His breeders and owners, Rich and Christen Benat of Arabian Partners LLC from Celeste, Texas, entrusted Tony and with his training and care. Mirroring the versatility of Katie, Bacchus has competed in halter, ranch horse riding (their most recent win at Belton), sport horse under saddle, and western and English dressage. At Scottsdale 2023, they were Reserve Champion Western Dressage and Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle. Katie remarks, “He has been in training with us for one and a half years; after his successful halter career, he is now becoming a great performance horse.

Katie with Straight Egyptian gelding, Bacchus AP.
The Arabian horse industry needs more young talent, and Katie is a perfect example to those interested in working with these marvelous animals. The Arabian horse has positively affected every aspect of her life and continues to assist in her growth as a trainer and horsewoman. “Ensuring that I have the right people in my corner who want to see me succeed as well as stay on top of my health with this physically demanding sport. I am so thankful for the customers that give me the opportunity to work such special horses right now. They are great people that are supportive and help me to be successful.”
The most valuable people Katie has in her corner are her parents. Tony and Cindy continue to support Katie’s dreams, give her the tools to succeed, and allow her the space to grow. When asked what advice she would give the next generation hoping to pursue a career in this industry, she replied, “Be determined! As much success as you find, there will be even more disappointment. Be stubborn and relentless.