By Brianna York
As featured in the Fall 2024 issue of Arabian Horse World
A Victory Pass Twenty-Four Years in the Making
Showing horses is all about making memories, and the Canadian National Show is the perfect place for exhibitors and their families to do just that. Each national horse show is an event that allows Arabian horse lovers to watch history being made repeatedly, class session after class session.
For Shelby Preston, the 2024 Canadian National Show was one to go down in the history books. Shelby earned a Unanimous National Championship in the HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR and a National Championship in the HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR class with John Legend HA. The talented four-year-old garnered a Unanimous National Championship in the HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse class and a Reserve National Championship Sport Horse Junior Horse Dressage Type with trainer Sydney Perigo. Last year, with just twenty-five rides, this incredible young Half-Arabian was National Champion in the Sport Horse Junior Horse Dressage Type class.
While being unanimously chosen to be National Champion is already a big deal, the successes Shelby and Legend enjoyed at this show were even more special because these were the first National Champion roses Shelby has ever won. Shelby has earned Reserve National Championship awards over the years in Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure and the Purebred Country Select classes, but she has been a hair’s breadth from those red roses numerous times without getting to ride out of the ring with them draped over her horse’s shoulders.

After twenty-four years of showing, it was a thrill for Shelby to earn the coveted red rose blanket not just once but twice. “It was awesome. He was there and dead on and did his job,” she said about Legend. “I couldn’t ask for a better teammate. He tries so hard for me.”
When asked about the AATR class, Shelby said it was a deep class but a little more exciting than usual. One rider fell off during the class, but Legend handled the challenge with wisdom and patience beyond his years. “My heart is bursting,” she said about his ability to cope with the challenges of chaotic classes, travel, and everything else to do with show horse life. “I cannot wait for the three of us (herself, Legend, and Sydney Perigo) to continue on this journey as an amazing team.”
Harper Arabians bred John Legend HA, but Ehret Equine sold Legend to Shelby. Shelby is quick to credit both his breeders and the Ehret family for helping to make it possible for her to own this special horse. She also heaped praise on Sydney Perigo and Jada Reed, both of whom have been a huge influence on her riding career and whom she considers to be close friends.
Legend came into Shelby’s life when she needed a deep bond with a special horse. Six years ago, Shelby lost her “heart horse” Dreamin of Fame. It was a tough blow, as he was young, talented, and just beginning to hit his stride. Every horse lover knows the pain of losing a horse with whom you have a special bond. Shelby was afraid that the once-in-a-lifetime bond she had shared with “Zoey” was just that: something that would happen just once.
But then, Legend came into her life. She shared an instant bond with him, and it was clear to everyone that he would be a big star immediately. Not many horses could handle the challenge of showing at a national horse show after just a few months under saddle, but Legend did just that in 2023. A year later, Legend and Shelby have forged a bond that feels just as special as her bond with Zoey.

I’ve been super lucky, I have a once-in-a-lifetime horse all over again.
Shelby Preston
Shelby and her family breed a few horses each year, and this year, Shelby is planning to lease Legend’s mother to breed another full sibling to Legend. John Legend HA is by Dakaro of Legendwoods and out of Forever A Jullyen VA. Shelby is excited about getting to breed “another Legend.” This is sure to be yet another horse to watch out for in the show ring!
Shelby wants to thank her mom and dad, her barn mates, and everyone who helped her connect with this special horse. She also wants to thank Jada Reed for twenty-eight years of friendship, guidance, and support and Sydney Perigo for being an amazing friend, an incredible horseman, and her biggest fan.
Shelby summarized her final Facebook post about her Canadian National show with the perfect statement about her plans with Legend: Next stop, Tulsa!