Arabian Horses at the Tournament of Roses Parade


By Nancy Harvey


As featured in the Winter 2025 issue of Arabian Horse World

The 2025 Tournament of Roses theme was “The Best Day Ever,” which is appropriate for our beloved Arabian horses. It indeed was the Best Day Ever for our parade participants. It was a beautiful sunny day with perfect weather and such amazing, appreciative spectators. The horses and riders were perfect. It really was “The Best Day Ever”. We had 15 beautiful horses and their riders or drivers displaying the versatility of the Arabian horse, including a Carriage horse, Endurance, Search and Rescue, English, Hunter, Show Hack/Dressage, Show & Ranch Western, and Costume horses. And for the first time, we proudly carried the flag of the Arabian Horse Association.

It was an incredible experience for all, and the interaction between our riders and the parade crowd was fantastic and uplifting. The horses were truly inspiring and appreciated by all.


In addition to the parade, we presented our horses to a sold-out crowd at the Equestfest event at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. The event was standing room only, and of course, our horses were stars both in the ring and as meet-and-greet horses before and after the event. The parade put our horses on a stage like no other. Over 850,000 people were in attendance, and in excess of 70 million people worldwide.


Anuther Bill & Nancy Harvey Marshal

Cedair LR & Kendall Farrow

Coco Chanel Blu & Deborah Johnson

Crimson and Chrome & Peyton Bergstad

Florenteyn & Jill Mitchell

GP Bold Effexx+/ & Gayle Pena

Heaven Cent & Kari Albiol

Maxim LOA & Margo B. Minissian

Mega’s Tall Tale++++// & David Mahoney

Pardonn My French & Muna Busailah

Psax & Kathryne Baldwin

Pure Brandy Elegance & Michelle Mahoney

Tehachapi Khan & Amanda Waterfield-Gibson

Trade Marque & Sheri Odom

Zee Macaroni & Lisa Cakebread

The walkers, who graciously volunteered to walk over 8 miles!

Carolynn Chamlee

Michael Damianos

Michelle Green

Paris Mahoney

Tami Pacho

Debbie Price

Melissa Schalles

Kathy Callahan-Smith

Ann Whitley

We truly would like to thank all of the people who made this happen, including volunteers, Equestfest presentation horses, our PIT crew, truck drivers, and support folks. And a big thank you to those who helped sponsor us. Without you, we could not do this. Now, on to the application for 2026!

The Rose Parade is a huge opportunity to get recognition for the Arabian breed. For us to be able to come out to the public and show how great our horses are, how kind they are, and all the niches within the breed is so important. This is a great venue to put all of that on display for all to see. Within our breed we have racehorses, endurance, cutting and cow horses, reining horses, jumping and dressage horses, hunter, western country and English pleasure, side saddle and many many more. The Arabians are a people’s horse – they like attention, they like their people, and they want to have that interaction. It has been an honor to be a part of the Arabian group in both 2024 and 2025. The most surprising thing about this parade is the sheer size of the experience. Camera Corner and then entire length of the parade route is second to none. While we celebrated the 2025 theme “Best Day Ever” our thoughts and prayers are now with all the people of Los Angeles and Pasadena and our Arabian family which has been significantly impacted by the historic and horrific fires. Our Arabian family is filled with resolve and resilience and together we will support each other revitalize as we find our next Best Day Ever together
Deborah Johnson, Past Arabian Horse Association President
